Saturday, 11 August 2007

Facelifts - Before and After

Here are our before and after pictures of facelift surgery. We will be continuing our before and after series with other cosmetic surgery procedures...

As you can see, the facelift surgery brings back a more youthful appearance in each of the more successful cases above.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Breast Implants - Before and After

Here are our before and after pictures of breast implant surgery. We will be continuing our before and after series with other cosmetic surgery procedures...

All the results in the above photos were the results of procedures undertaken in the United States. As you can see though, cosmetic surgery can be a great enhancement.

Recommended Reading

We've been looking in every bookstore and library for the very best books that give safe, honest advice on cosmetic surgery. After an exhaustive search, we've managed to come up with the top 5 books to read if you're considering cosmetic surgery of any kind -

1. Plastic Surgery: Facts

2. Key Notes on Plastic Surgery

3. Cosmetic Surgery for Dummies

4. Atlas of Cosmetic Surgery

5. Plastic Fantastic: A Complete Guide

We hope they can be of some help to you!

Justin Stanton MD MMed(Plast) FRCS(Plast)