At almost 60 years of age, Twiggy still looks great. To date, Twiggy follows a sensible diet and exercise plan, one which does not involve plastic surgery, which she describes:

“I work hard, I try to eat healthily and I do plenty of exercise. I’m not fanatical, but I try to be sensible. I eat organic food, I avoid fried stuff and I don’t eat desserts that often.
God bless Jamie Oliver for getting everyone thinking and talking about healthy eating. I do Pilates and tap-dancing classes. The secret is to find a form of exercise that you enjoy.”
Although she is a fan of plastic surgery, she has not yet undergone any cosmetic surgery.
When posed the question, “You’ve said that you would never resort to plastic surgery. Do you think that the pressure to keep looking young for ever has become too great?” by the Daily Mail, the leggy blonde responded:
“Actually, what I said was that I haven’t had plastic surgery yet. I’m not totally against it. I’ve had friends who have had little things done and they look sensational. I think that if you’re going to have it done, research it properly and go to the best surgeon. I have, however, said that I’ll never have Botox.”
If Twiggy’s exhaustive career as a supermodel, Broadway star, actress, author, TV presenter and producer, and fashion designer continues, plastic surgery can’t be far off as stress takes a toll on the appearance.
So far, Twiggy’s anti-aging efforts have proven to be more than successful and it’s nice to know that she’s realistic in her views of plastic surgery and sees that it may become necessary in her future.